5 hard questions you should ask before hiring a software development company in Bangladesh | 3DEVs IT Ltd.
How to find a perfect technology partner match for your business
28 May, 2020 / Mahmood Ahsan

Hiring a reliable software development company is hard but not impossible. As an owner of a business, you must choose the right IT development service partner to ensure no interruption in online customer service.
But the truth is: to find a good software company in Bangladesh you should follow a strategy. A set of questions might help you hire a very good company with expert domain knowledge in a specific field.
Questions you should always ask before hiring a software development company
Companies age & clients
Domain expertise/technology skills
Project technology
System security
After sales support
1. Companies age & clients:
Before choosing a software firm you should always ask and interrogate to know more about the company. Ask when they started their business, who’s their founders, which clients they served till date etc.
2. Domain expertise/technology skills:
Ask the company representatives about the technology skills they have. Do they have an expert team of developers and designers? How many years of experience do they have? Which tools are going to be used? The tools are licensed or not? Etc.
3. Project technology:
Ask do they have the right domain knowledge experts in the team that are required for your project? Which technology they will use to develop? Do they need any prior experience to do it? Do they understand your project goals and objectives? Answers to these questions give you more confidence about the company.
4. System security:
Okay, here’s come the most challenging part for you if you’re not a technology knowledgeable person. The system security part: ask them how they ensure system vulnerability challenges and build a robust system for your business. Take help from an expert you know or go for a company who has reputed client-tiles. As the well-known corporates always take service or supply from a good company. Peace!
5. After-sales support:
Most of the software development company failed in this part! The after-sales support is where you as a business owner need a good technology partner. Many companies promise big before the development but failed to support after-sales. So you have to ensure the after-sales support: you should ask them clearly do they’ll give after-sales support after the software delivery? Do they have the resources? Or who’ll be the go-to the person for the service?
For example, at 3DEVs we get excited when our potential clients ask a lot of questions to figure out which solution will be the best fit for them. We always welcome questions of our clients and delivers what matters to our clients.
Well there you are! Successfully get the idea of how to hire a software development company for your IT project. You get the list of questions to ask before onboarding a company. Hope this will help you a lot!